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Keine Mauspads der 1.Generation

Posted: 18 Oct 2013 06:52
by Dagonis
Wie ich eben erfahren habe können sie mein bestelltes Mauspad (mit dem Star Citizen Logo) nicht liefern. Anscheinend kann der Hersteller nicht die Qualität liefrn die sie wollen. Sie haben mir die 45$ und 10.000 UEC (für die Unannehmlichkeiten) auf mein Konto gutgeschrieben.

If you are receiving this email it is because you purchased either a Star Citizen logo or Bengal carrier mousepad from the Roberts Space Industries pledge site. Unfortunately, we have decided to cancel these products. The end result did not meet the standard of quality we expect for Star Citizen products. We'd rather take a second pass and do the mouse pads right rather than stick to the existing designs.

We will be placing $45 in store credit in your RSI account, the original cost of the mouse pads. For the inconvenience we will also add 10,000 UEC to your Voyager Direct ledger.

We’ve been hard at work creating better mousepads and would like to share some of the progress with you. Our goal was to offer a more unique "wide" 36.22" x 11.57" and versatile mousepad with a heavily textured weave and rubber base. This design will be ideal for power gamers, and in particular anyone who plans to use a HOTAS joystick setup! We have commissioned artists to create an original piece of art for each ship company, from Anvil to RSI.

These new pads are $35 including shipping anywhere in the world! We are putting them in production immediately, with a November release date. We think this is a better plan than what we originally put together, and when you see the new mousepads in action we think you'll agree! Here's the link to the new mousepads, which you can purchase immediately using your credit. If these do not appeal to you and you would prefer a full refund, please contact with your information.

RSI Customer Support Team

Re: Keine Mauspads der 1.Generation

Posted: 18 Oct 2013 07:46
by Fenthik
Ich hatte keins bestellt. Hab mri aber alle 3 von den neuen bestellt. Werde sie mir eher als Deko an die Wand hängen^^

Re: Keine Mauspads der 1.Generation

Posted: 18 Oct 2013 07:48
by RisingDeath
...ich überlege, eines als Wickelunterlage zu verwenden.

Re: Keine Mauspads der 1.Generation

Posted: 18 Oct 2013 11:09
by NixDa
RisingDeath wrote:...ich überlege, eines als Wickelunterlage zu verwenden.
Der ist gut ;-)
