Star Citizen Release + Patch Notes

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Re: Star Citizen Release + Patch Notes

Post by Haargon »

Star Citizen Patch 1.1.5 V2



Fixed a backend server crash


Mustang Delta is no longer loading with the incorrect ship geometry
Freelancer variants have had their lighting and textures fixed
Constellation Andromeda has had its lighting and textures fixed


Fixed an issue with flare burn loop audio not stopping correctly
Fixed an audio related memory leak
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Re: Star Citizen Release + Patch Notes

Post by Haargon »

STar Citizen Patch 1.1.6

Star Citizen Alpha 1.1.6


Added matchmaking logic that will match players against each other based on past performance

User Interface

Added the ‘press x to ready up’ to all game modes



Vanduul AI tolerance has been increased when under fire to allow them stay in combat a bit longer
Raised victory score requirement in Battle Royale from 15,000 to 45,000
Lowered victory score requirement in Squadron Battle from 100,000 to 75,000
Squadron Battle now requires 4 players before the game mode will start
Capture the Core now requires 4 players before the game mode will start


Score values for ships has been lowered due to matches ending too early



The tutorial will now reload missiles in areas where running out gates progression
Fixed a number of issues that would cause backend servers to crash
Fixed an issue that would cause GIM to hang and require it be manually restarted


Constellation Aquila now spawns with the new Merlin model in the hangar
Fixed an issue that was causing the Merlin thruster nozzles to spawn inside the engine housing
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Re: Star Citizen Release + Patch Notes

Post by Haargon »

Star Citizen Patch 1.1.6a - 14.08.2015



Die Startposition für den Rennmodus wurde verbessert; Sie sind nun näher aneinander und sind gleichmäßiger positioniert.


Die ‚Lebenspunkte‘ für die Flügel der Gladius wurden erhöht, damit das Schiff seine Thruster nicht mehr so schnell verliert, wenn es Schaden nimmt.


Die Streuung der Mantis GT-220 wurde reduziert um die DPS (Damage per Second – Schaden pro Sekunde) näher an den vergleichbaren Waffen zu bringen.
Die Feuerrate der Wrath-Plasmakanone wurde leicht erhöht, um diese nähe an vergleichbaren Waffen zu bringen.



Ein Fehler wurde behoben, der dafür sorgte, dass man nicht mehr mittendrin im Vanduul Swarm oder dem Rennmodus beitritt.
Ein Fehler wurde behoben, der dafür sorgte, dass der 4.Spieler der für einen Vanduul Swarm ansteht, in eine eigene Instanz platziert wird.
Ein Fehler im Arena Commander wurde behoben, wodurch „normale“ Tode nach folglich, wie eine Selbstzerstörung bestraft wird.
Ein Fehler wurde behoben, wodurch der GIM und die Matchmaking-Server abstürzten.
Ein Fehler wurde im Tutorial, Kaptitel 6, behoben, indem der AI-Pilot (Gilly) manchmal nicht auf die Gegner geschossen hat.
Der Fehler der zum Absturz auf Broken Moon im Squadron Battle führte, wurde behoben.
Der Fehler im Arena Commander wurde behoben, der dafür sorgte, dass der Helm nach dem Respawn zu stark wackelt.


Der Fehler wurde behoben, wodurch Merlin-Piloten, stehend im Cockpit waren, wenn sie in einem Match auf Broken Moon beigetreten sind.
Der Fehler wurde behoben, wodurch die Vanduul-Waffen auf der Scythe und der Glaive, nicht überhitzt sind.
Die „War“-Neutronenkanone wird nun überhitzen und danach nicht in der Lage sein, zu schießen.
Die „Weak“-Laserkanone wird solange nicht Feuern, bis sie sich dementsprechend abgekühlt hat.
Der Fehler wurde behoben, wo die linke Plasmakanone der Vanduul Glaive nach hinten gerichtet war. Dies beeinträchtigt nicht die Performance der Plasmakanone! Es war nur ein optischer Fehler.
Der Fehler wurde behoben, wodurch die Drake Cutlass zu lange gebraucht hat, um den Boost-Tank zu füllen. Dieser sollte sich nun innerhalb von ~60 Sekunden regenerieren.
Der Fehler wurde behoben, wo das Interieur der Vanduul Glaive nicht richtig dargestellt wurde oder einfach verschwand, wenn man in das Schiff eingestiegen ist.


Der Fehler wurde behoben, damit in allen Arena Commander Modis eine Warnung an die Spieler herausgegeben wird bzgl. der Bestrafung für eine Selbstzerstörung.


Der Fehler wurde behoben, wodurch die Steinwände im Industrie-Hangar hinten Links und Rechts nicht geladen wurden, wenn kein Schiff dort stand.


Der Fehler wurde behoben, wodurch Account im Titelbildschirm fest hingen, nachdem sie das Spiel gestartet haben, betrifft mehrere Clients. ... n-account/
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Re: Star Citizen Release + Patch Notes

Post by Haargon »

Star Citizen Patch 1.2 - 29.08.2015

Star Citizen Alpha 1.2

Star Citizen Patch 1.2

Star Citizen Patch 1.2 and the Social Module have been released to live! This patch provides access to our first multiplayer planet side environment, ArcCorp’s Area18 landing zone, with all the scenic vistas our team has been hard at work on. This will also include our first iteration of our augmented reality system, emotes and chat system.

Arena Commander
Social Module

Hangar Module


The main elevator is now active for all pilot hangars and will allow access to our multiplayer ArcCorp module.
For Selfland, Revel & York, and Aeroview Hangars, you can find the elevator through the double-doors directly behind your character when spawning into the central bay. Once inside, the elevator to ArcCorp is located on your right.
For VFG Industrial Hangar, you can find the double-doors underneath the platform where your character spawns, across from any ship you currently have in the central bay. Once you’ve passed through the double doors, the elevator to ArcCorp is located on your right.
During this testing phase of the social module and ArcCorp, characters will now appear in one of six random gear loadouts when they spawn into the Hangar. You can only swap between the six loadouts in the Hangar, via the “F6” key.
The available loadouts are Marine Light, Medium, Heavy and Outlaw Light, Medium, Heavy.
Whatever loadout a character is wearing when they travel to ArcCorp will be retained for the rest of that play session.

User Interface

The screenshot keybind has been moved to “Print Screen”. “F12” is now the toggle for the chat interface.



Transition animations for moving between standing, crouch and idle have received some minor improvement for a smoother and more realistic experience.
Jump animations have received some minor improvements for a smoother experience.



Fixed a collision issue with the Origin M50 Interceptor that allowed players to see into the ships cockpit from the outside and potentially become stuck.
Fixed an issue with the Vanduul Glaive, where the hands of the pilot would not always connect properly with the ship handles and interior components when entering or exiting the ship.
Fixed an issue with the beds in the Cutlass Black, where your character would teleport outside of the ship when trying to lay down in the starboard bed.


A number of collision issues that were allowing characters to clip out of the Revel & York hangar have been resolved.
A number of collision issues that were allowing characters to clip out of the VFG Industrial Hangar have been resolved.

User Interface

Fixed an issue where graphics in the game options menu would occasionally overlap with each other.

Arena Commander Module:


Fixed an issue in Arena Commander where hosts were not always being removed from the Lobby when they left the match.
Fixed an issue in Arena Commander where the host of a game would sometimes not be able to cancel their search due to matchmaking crashing.
Fixed an issue in Arena Commander where players could be put into a broken lobby if the matchmaking service crashed while they were in a game.
The HUD colors on the Avenger, Gladiator, Hornet (all variants) and Cutlass (all variants) have been updated to be consistent.
Fixed an issue where the countermeasure interface on the Mustang HUD (all variants) would overlap with other UI elements.
Fixed an issue where the Vanduul Glaive designated “Tank” at the end of Tutorial Chapter 6 would sometimes become immortal.

Social Module


Our first multiplayer planet side environment, the ArcCorp Area 18 Landing Zone, is now available for testing.
During this testing phase where players will have a shared ‘spawn’ location, player collision is disabled on ArcCorp.
The first areas available to explore in ArcCorp include:
ArcCorp Customs area.
Medical Bay.
JobWell, sponsored by the Trade and Development Division of ArcCorp.
G~Loc Bar.
Dumper’s Depot.
Cubby Blast.
Some areas of ArcCorp are not yet available during this initial launch. Some of those intentionally off-limits include:
The Casaba Outlet.
The Medical Bay Emergency Room.
The ArcCorp landing pad.
The elevator to the second floor of Astro-Armada.
The firing range at Cubby Blast.
You can return to your Hangar when you’re done exploring ArcCorp, via the transport elevator in ArcCorp customs that you originally arrived in. You can also leave via the “Return to Hanger” button in the game menu.
Our first set of fully animated emotes are now available for players to use in ArcCorp and the Hangar.
Emotes can be used in the chat UI by typing “/” followed by the emote. Some emotes also have multiple variations, which you can use by adding a number at the end of the emote command.
Example: /cheer4
The full list of available emotes and their variations can be viewed in the chat interface, via the “?” button.
Augmented Reality is now available for players to test in ArcCorp. You can access this new functionality via the “F2” key.
In this initial release, Augmented Reality will allow you to see character name plates as well as information on shop items in ArcCorp.
Our chat interface has launched and is now available for players to use in both ArcCorp and the Hangar. You can bring up the chat interface via “F12”.
Players can now chat in our first channel (designated Local at the moment).
The chat channels are phased by instance. Each individual Hangar, ArcCorp Instance and Arena Commander Instance have their own chat channel.
The Left Alt key + “G” allows you to orbit your camera, so you can view your character from multiple angles which is shared between the multiplayer ArcCorp and single player Hangar.

Known Issues:


Character collision will sometimes disable within ArcCorp, particularly in and around customs.
Character animations will sometimes desync between clients.


Characters will appear hanging outside of the bottom of the Gladiator if they enter the ship and sit down in the pilots seat, or if they die and respawn.
When respawning in the Gladiator, the player will spawn inside the body of the ship.


The “Heavy Outlaw” load out currently has a hole between the neck and chest armor.

User Interface

The chat interface cannot be resized at this time.
Social Module elevator UI will incorrectly display “Connection Failed” instead of a “Server Full” message.
Augmented Reality text will sometimes not display other characters names.


Clients can sometimes get stuck on a loading screen if they are connected to a instance that no longer exists.
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Re: Star Citizen Release + Patch Notes

Post by Haargon »

Star Citizen Launcher Update auf die Version 2.4.0 24.09.2015

Wir veröffentlichen heute neue Features für unseren Live Service Launcher mit der Version 2.4

Download Start Verzögerung

Nach dem Login wird das Download Programm 10 Sekunden lang nicht mit dem Download beginnen. Diese Verzögerung dient dazu, euch Zeit zu geben um zwischen dem Live Service und dem PTU zu wählen, bevor der automatische Download beginnt.

HTTP Transfer Mode

– Dieser Kompatibilitätsmodus ist für alle User gedacht, die nicht in der Lage sind einen Torrent zu benutzen um das Spiel Downloaden zu können. Er ist langsamer als der Download mit Torrent aber es werden die selben Inhalte heruntergeladen. Dieser Modus kann sehr nützlich sein wenn ihr den Download über ein Netzwerk mit Einschränkungen (wie z.B. in einer Universität) vornehmen müsst. Das Addieren von zusätzlichen, veränderten Daten hilft hier nichts, was bedeutet, dass das Überprüfen von Dateien, oder wenn ihr den Patch für eine neue Version braucht, ihr einen Großteil des Spieles herunterladen müsst.

– Um diesen Modus zu aktivieren müsst ihr in der „PatcherState“ Datei (einfach mit dem Editor öffnen) folgendes eintragen:

Downloadmethod = HTTP

(Anm. der Redaktion: Diese Datei findet ihr in eurem Star Citizen Installations-Verzeichnis im Ordner „Patcher“)

Optimierte P2P-Einstellungen

Die Peer to Peer Settings wurden so eingestellt, dass sie optimal für alle User mit Kabelanschluss sein sollten. Wenn ihr P2P eingeschaltet habt, sollte das nun nicht mehr so viel von der Geschwindigkeit einbüßen, als wenn ihr P2P ausgeschalten habt.

Erweiterte P2P Einstellungen

Für diejenigen unter euch die die Standart Einstellungen als nicht Optimal empfinden, haben wir einige Optionen für Power User bereit gestellt. Diese Optionen findet ihr in der Datei _TorrendSettings, die beim ersten Start des Launchers erstellt wird. Nach dem ändern der Einstellungen muss der Launcher neu gestartet werden.

Verfügbare Einstellungen:

active_downloads – Limit für gleichzeitige Dateidownloads.

active_limit – Obergrenze an Downloads + Seeds.

active_seeds – Limit für gleichzeitige gesetzte Dateien.

connections_limit – Begrenzung der Anzahl der gleichzeitigen Torrent Verbindungen.

connection_speed – Anzahl der Verbindungsversuche pro Sekunde

max_peerlist_size – Maximale Anzahl von Peers, die der Launcher gleichzeitig verfolgt

unchoke_slots_limit – Maximale Anzahl von Slots, die unabhängig von der Übertragungsrate für Peers offen bleiben werden.

Danke und gute Jagd!

– Will Leverett

Übersetzung: SCNR
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Re: Star Citizen Release + Patch Notes

Post by Haargon »

Star Ccitizen Patch 1.3.0 - 23.10.2015



Der Greycat Buggy hat ein neues Aussehen, neue Animationen und ein überarbeites Handling
Der Fishtank in allen verfügbaren Hangars haben ein neues Aussehen erhalten.
Der Fahrstuhl zur Area 18 wird nun alle verfügbaren Instanzen von ArcCorp anzeigen, genau so wie viele Leute insgesamt und wie viele von deiner Kontaktliste da sind.
Es gibt jetzt einen “Loadout Selector” der sich im Spieler-Hangar befindet und Euch erlaubt auszusuchen, mit welchem Loadout ihr im Hangar und in ArcCorp herumlaufen wollt.
Dies ersetzt die zufällige Loadout-Auswahl die mit „F6“ ausgelöst wurde.
Aeroview – Der Loadout-Selector befindet sich im Haupthangar, an der Wand rechts hinter Euch, wenn Ihr im Hangar erscheint.
Selfland – Der Loudout-Selector ist auf der Plattform rechts vom Charakter wenn Ihr im Hangar erscheint. Gleich neben dem EA-Pod.
VFG Industrial – Der Loadout-Selector befindet sich links von eurem Charakter wenn Ihr im Hangar erscheint, gegenüber zum Fahrstuhl, der zum Büro führt.
Revel & York – Der Loadout-Selector befindet sich auf der linken Seite des Charakters wenn ihr im Hangar erscheint. Gleich neben dem Holotable.



Der Selfland Hangar ist dabei eine überarbeite Beleuchtung zu bekommen um den Gesamteindruck und die Atmosphäre zu verbessern.

User Interface

Die alte Standard-Funktion auf „F11“ (HUD maximieren) hat keine Funktion mehr und wurde entfernt.
„F6“ Taste kleidet den in-game Charakter nicht mehr mit einem zufälligem Loadout ein.
Das freie umhersehen mit der Kamera kann nun mit “Shift+G” aktiviert werden.
“Strg+F” ist nun die Tastenkombination um aus dem Schiff Auszugsteigen.
Dies wurde für alle Spielmodis freigeschaltet
Das sitzen in der Retaliator und Gladiator wurde gefixt und es gibt jetzt eine visuelle Erschütterung im inneren der Vanduul Scythe.



Ein Fehler wurde behoben der dazu führte, dass man im Pilotensitz der Retaliator nicht richtig ausgerichtet worden ist.
Ein Fehler wurde behoben, der dazu führte das man außerhalb der Gladiator auftaucht, wenn man sich auf den Pilotensitz hinsetzen will.
Ein Fehler wurde behoben, wodurch der Pilot einer Vanduul-Scythe ein ungewöhnliches Kamerawackeln erlebt, wenn man sich in-game umschaut.


Der Fehler im Revel & York Hangar wurde behoben, wodurch die Tür manchmal ohne Animation aufschlägt wenn diese zu schnell hintereinander getriggert worden ist.
Mehrere Texturkonflikte im Selfland Hangar wurden behoben.
Der Fehler wodurch die Hände wie „gebrochen“ aussahen, wenn man den Greycat Buggy fährt, wurde behoben.

User Interface

Der Fehler wurde behoben, wodurch die Framerate beim Client fiel, wenn man mit dem Cursor über einen scrollbaren Text fuhr.
Der Fehler wurde behoben, der dazu führte, dass zu schnelles wechseln zwischen den Spielmenüs das Scrollen mit dem Gerät verhindert.



Grundlegende Physics-Grids für das Interieur ist nun live!
Die Avenger, 300er Serie, alle Auroras und Nicht-Racer Mustangs erlauben es nun, euren Sitz während des Fliegens zu verlassen.
Da die kompletten Mechaniken noch nicht an ihrem richtigen Platz sind, kann es sein, dass euer Charakter aus dem Schiff hängt oder innerhalb des Schiffes im Zero-G Modus ist.


Die Behring C-788 Ballistische Kanone wurde dem Game hinzugefügt.
Diese Waffe nutzt eine S4-Halterung und feuert mit 2,2 Schuss pro Sekunde.
Size 4 Feste-Halterungen wurden für die Hornet und der Cutlass Turrets hinzugefügt, um die Ballistischen Kanonen unterbringen zu können.
Die feste S4-Halterung ersetzt den existierenden Turret
Apocalypse Arms WarSeries SZ4 Mass Driver wurde dem Game hinzugefügt.
Diese Waffe nutzt eine S2-Halterung und feuert mit 0,7 Schuss pro Sekunde.



Raketen Explosionen und Auswirkungen haben erhebliche Veränderungen bekommen, um das Aussehen und Gefühl zu verbinden.
Die Gesundheit aller Schiffe wurde erhöht.
Die allgemeine Stärke aller Schiffsschilde wurde erhöht um den Alpha-Schaden zu reduzieren und man so länger überleben kann.
Raketenschaden wurde ein wenig erhöht um gegenüber der höheren Schiffsgesundheit eine gewisse Effektivität zu wahren.
Die Aufschaltzeit der Raketen wurde angepasst.
Die Geschwindigkeit von Energiewaffen wurde getuned, damit diese schneller sind als die ballistischen.
Unsere Philosophie dabei ist, dass Energiewaffen solange kein Schaden machen, solange die Schilde nicht unten sind, es benötigt mehr Treffer mit Energiewaffen um richtigen Schaden zu machen, so dass die Zielgenauigkeit noch wichtiger wird.
Schaden der Energiewaffen wurde leicht reduziert um auszugleichen.
Die ballistischen Waffen haben einen entsprechenden Buff erhalten im Bezug auf die potentielle Reichweite, so dass sie unter Umständen noch ihr Ziel treffen können, die weiter weg sind.


Plasma-”Blitz”-Reichweite wurde um 30% verringert für die Vanduul “Wrath” Plasmakanone.
Neutronen-”Blitz”-Reichweite wurde um 20% verringert für die Vanduul “War” Neutronenkanone.


Die Cutlass erhielt geringfügige Verbesserungen an den beweglichen Triebwerken um die Manövrierbarkeit zu verbessern.
Die folgenden Schiffe und all ihre Varianten erhielten ein Update zu den Schild-Netzen und Animationen, damit diese besser zu ihrem Schiffsmodell passen:
Avenger, Gladius, Mustang, Cutlass, Freelancer, 300 Series, M50, Gladiator, Glaive
Die Leistungsaufnahme des Motors der M50 wurde erhöht.
Die Stärke der M50-Triebwerke wurde verringert.
Diese beiden Änderungen sollen sicherstellen, dass die Wahl, ob ich eine Waffe mit hohem Energieverbrauch oder eine energiesparende Waffe an der M50 habe, Einfluss auf die Performance und Geschwindkeit hat.
Interagierende Charakter-Animationen wurde für alle “flight-ready” Schiffe aktuallisiert.


Die folgenden Schiffe und all ihre Varianten haben Verbesserungen an dem Audio für die Thruster bekommen:
Avenger, Gladius, Hornet, 300er Serie, m50, Glaive, Scythe

User Interface

“Vorrauschauen”-Modus ist nun Standardmäßig aktiviert. Dies kann mit “Rechts-ALT+M” umgeschaltet werden.
Der “Gimbal-Lock” ist nun auf “Linke-STRG+G”



Ein Fehler wurde behoben, der dazu führte, dass Spieler nicht aus dem Arena Commander entfernt worden sind, wenn diese nichts tun, sondern erst wenn alle Spiele “idlen”.
Tutorial Kapitel 3 wurde gefixed, wo die Raketen manchmal die Gegner nicht richtig verfolgt haben.
Ein Fehler wurde behoben, indem das Waffenfeuer außerhalb des Laufes erscheint ist, wenn das Schiff sich während des Schiessens bewegt.
Ein Fehler wurde behoben, wodurch ein anvisiertes Schiff “verloren” ging, wenn der Abstand zum Ziel größer wird, obwohl dieser noch in Sensorenreichweite ist.


Ein Fehler wurde behoben, wodurch Projektile, die von Schiffswaffen abgefeuert worden sind, manchmal aus der Waffe hervorstehen und so Schaden verursachen oder Fehler anzeigen.
Ein Fehler wurde behoben, wodurch gimbaled Thruster visuell nicht korrekt rotiert haben.
Die „War“-Plasmakanone für die Vanduul Scythe word nun auch korrekt als „Wrath“-Plasmakanone im in-game HUD angezeigt.


Ein Fehler wurde behoben, wobei eine von drei Außenkameras für die Aurora (alle Varianten), manchmal in der Hülle des Schiffes feststeckt.
Es sollte keine sichtbare Lücke mehr zwischen dem unteren Teil der hinteren Tür und dem Boden in der Cutlass geben (alle Varianten).
Eine Animation wurde repariert wo die Hände des Charakters beim hinsetzen in den Turret der Gladiator durch die Kontrolleinheiten „durchgehen“.
Ein Fehler wurde behoben, wodurch die Vanduul Glaive gelegentlich mit der Nase nach oben zeigend landet.
Ein Fehler wurde behoben, wodurch der Boost der Vanduul Glaive nicht funktioniert, obwohl Sprit im Tank ist.
Die Texturen für den Pilotensitz der Avenger fehlen nicht mehr.
Ein Fehler wurde behoben, wodurch die 300er Serie, Avenger und Hornet (alle Varianten), beim landen manchmal nach hinten neigen.
Die fehlenden grüne Texturen der Aurora LN wurde gefixed.
Ein Fehler wurde beim Audio der Hornet Antrieb behoben, wobei es sowohl beim beschleunigen als auch beim boosten zu einem Unterschall bei den meisten Lautstärken kam.
Die Vanduul Glaive wird nicht mehr als “@vehicle_NameVNCL_Scythe_Glaive” im Arena Commander angezeigt, sondern mit der richtigen Beschriftung.


Ein Blackscreen wurde behoben, der auftaucht, wenn man einer Lobby beitritt, wenn der GIM-Service down ist.
Die Lobby kann diesbezüglich nun eine Fehlermeldung geben, wenn der Client versucht einer Lobby beizutreten, während der GIM nicht erreichbar ist.
Ein Fehler wurde behoben, der dafür sorgte, dass Clients manchmal im Ladebildschirm stecken bleiben, wenn sie einer Instanz beitreten, die nicht mehr existiert.
Ein Absturz wurde behoben, der auftrat wenn man im Arena Commander X zum Respawnen drückt und man vorher durch den Zusammenstoß mit einem Asteroiden gestorben ist.
Ein Blackscreen wurde behoben, der aufrtritt, wenn der Lobby-Service nicht in der Lage war mit dem Instance-Manager zu kommunizieren.
Ein Lobby-Fehler wurde behoben, wo der Host andere Karten- und Regeleinstellungen im UI sieht, als die anderen Spieler.
Dies passiert wenn der Host ein Spiel erstellt, dieses verlässt und einer anderen Lobby beitritt oder eine neue Lobby erstellt.
Ein Fehler wurde behoben, wo die Spieler nach einem beendeten Spiel nicht wieder „Ready“ drücken konnten.
Dies trat auf wenn Spieler einer Gruppe im Status „Im Match“ blieb im GIM.

User Interface

Ein Fehler wurde behoben, der die Spieler daran hinderte einen Respawn auszulösen, wenn sie gestorben sind, während sie mit dem HUD interagierten




ArcCorp’s Area 18 expandiert!
Der neue Gallerie-Bereich befindet sich aktuell im Bau, doch steht schon zur Erkundung zu Verfügung.
Neue Emotes wurden in dem Spiel hinzugefügt:
/agree, /angry(1-3), /attention, /blah(1-2), /bored (2), /bow(1-6), /burp, /cheer(1-8), /chicken, /clap (5-7 are new), /come(1-4), /cry, /dance(1-6), /disagree(1-3), /failure, /flex(1-3), /flirt, /gasp(1-5), /gloat(1-4), /greet, /laugh(1-3), /point(1-4), /rude(1-3), /salute(1-2), /sit, /sleep, /smell(1-2), /threaten(1-2), /wait(1-2), /wave(1-2), /whistle(1-2)
Einige neue und schon existierende Emotes beinhalten (temporäre) Audio-Dialoge.
Die maximale Spieleranzahl für Area 18 wurde auf 36 erhöht.
Das Limit erhöht sich auf 40, wenn Ihr einer Instanz beitretet, wo Spieler aus eurer Kontaktliste drin sind.
Voll funktionierende Greycat Buggies wurde rundherum um ArcCorp hinzugefügt inklusive einem funktionierendem Beifahrersitz.
Die GreyCat Buggies in ArcCorp können explodieren und zerstört werden, wenn es zu einem Unfall bei hohen Geschwindigkeiten kommt.
Sowohl Fahrer als auch Beifahrer des Greycat Buggies in ArcCorp sterben, wenn der Buggy durch einen Unfall bei hohen Geschwindigkeiten zerstört wird.
Gestorbene Charaktere werden von unserem hochqualifiziertem Personal in der Area 18 Medical Unit wiederbelebt.
Spieler werden nun nach 15 Minuten Inaktivität aus Area 18 entfernt. Eine Warnmeldung diesbezüglich gibt es wird 1 Minute vorher angezeigt.
Wenn man aus der Karte fällt, sterben die Spieler nun und werden in der Medical Unit auf Area 18 wiederbelebt.


Charkter Rigs und Animationen wurden alle aktualisiert.

User Interface

Es gibt einen neuen Ladebildschirm im Fahrstuhl vom Hangar zur Area 18.
Das Chat UI hat eine grafische komplett Überarbeitung bekommen.
Neue Funktionen für das Chat-Interface beinhalten Registerkarten zum Konversations-Management, private Konversationen und eine Kontaktliste die von dem UI aus- und eingefahren werden kann.
Besitzer einer privaten Konversation können andere Spieler daraus kicken.
Schaltflächen für die Chat-Einstellungen wurden hinzugefügt, sind jedoch aktuell nicht aktiv.
Spieler können nun Text aus dem Chat-Fenster kopieren und in die Chat-UI wieder einfügen.
Wenn man Augmented Reality nutzt, werden Shop-Items blau hervorgehoben wenn man diese anvisiert.
„Linkes-ALT+Leertaste“ ist nun dafür da um den Mauszeiger frei umher bewegen zu können um Schaltflächen wie Tabs oder andere in-game Funktionen bedienen zu können, ohne den Charakter zu bewegen.



/stand wurde zu /atease geändert (bleibt nun auch dauerhaft stehen)


Die Flaschen im Spirituosen-Schrank der G~Loc Bar wurden durch Marken ersetzt, die im Universum vorkommen.
Es gibt neue Werbeanzeigen und Plakate rund um ArcCorp.
Folgende Läden in Area 18 haben ein Update zu ihre Fassade und äußerlichen Erscheinung bekommen: Casaba Outlet, TDD Jobwell, Cubby Blast und AstroArmada.
Charakter können nun nicht mehr über die Bar im G~Loc klettern.

User Interface

Augmented Reality hat erhebliche Verbesserungen zu den Animationen und der allgemeinen Erscheinung bekommen.
Die neue Standardtaste für die Kontaktliste ist nun “F11”
Augmented Reality ist nun über “F10” zu erreichen.
Die Namen der anderen Charaktere in der Augmented Reality werden nun mit einem Übergang ein- und ausgeblendet basierend auf der Sichtweise in einer weicheren und langsameren Weise.



Einige Rechtschreibfehler auf dem „Shooting Range“ Hinweis im Cubby Blast wurden korrigiert.
Zahlreiche Texturkonflikte und Licht-Bugs wurden in ArcCorp behoben.
Das „Exit“-Schild in Cubby Blast ist nun besser zu sehen und verschwindet nicht mehr bei niedrigen Grafikeinstellungen.
Zahlreiche Kollisionsprobleme wurden in ganz ArcCorp behoben, um AstroArmada, G~Loc, Dumpers Depot und der Medical Unit.
Detail und Grafikfehler auf niedrigen Einstellungen bei der Verbrennungsanlage hinter Casaba behoben.
Der Fehler, dass einige Poster im G~Log durch die Wand gingen wurde behoben.
Einige Fehler bei der Kollision mit den Geländern in Area 18’s Jobwell behoben.
Charakter sollten nun nicht mehr durch das Geländer ploppen wenn sie dagegen laufen.
Die Arme der Charaktere sollten auch nicht mehr durch die Geländer hindurch kommen.
Fehler mit den fehlenden Kollisionen einer der Medical Unit Tischen wurde behoben.

User Interface

Wenn man nun ein falsches Kommando in den Chat schreibt bekommt man nun eine folgende Fehlermeldung – „Kommando ungültig, schreibe /help für eine Liste gültiger Kommandos.“
Wenn man nun die Pfeiltaste nach Oben drückt geht der Fokus im Chatfenster nicht mehr verloren.
Die Keybindings wurden aktualisiert um nun die Social Modul Funktionen zu zeigen.

Vielen Dank an SCNR für die Übersetzung
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Re: Star Citizen Release + Patch Notes

Post by Haargon »

Star Citizen Patch - 11.12.2015

Star Citizen Alpha 2.0.0

Star Citizen Alpha Patch v2.0.0

Alpha Patch 2.0.0 has been released to our live servers, and is now available for players! Your launcher should should show “2.0.0-305217” as the client version. This patch provides access to our first sampling of the Persistent Universe in the form of the gas giant Crusader and surrounding environs. These locations include Port Olisar transit station, Covalex Shipping Hub, Security Post Kareah and many scenic asteroid fields, comms arrays and research satellites that our team has been hard at work on. It also includes our first iteration on FPS, Multicrew technology, interior physics grid, quantum travel, IFCS, EVA, missions, and so much more.

It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER folder for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Cloud Imperium Games\StarCitizen\Public.

Please review our current list of 2.0.0 Known Issues, and take full advantage of our new Issue Council area of the Community site to report any bugs you encounter, as well as contribute to other players submissions.

A few important call-outs:

We are aware of and investigating an issue occasionally affecting game servers that will cause clients to receive a “Error Code 7” when connecting.
Because this error is also triggered due to having an incorrect client version, please run the file verification process in the launcher if you have not done so since patching to 2.0.0. If the issue continues, try connecting again after 5 minutes.
Approaching the atmosphere of a planet or moon too closely will result in your ship receiving a warning, and if you continue flying toward it for too long, your ship will begin to rattle apart and be destroyed.
This is not how the functionality will work long term, and is temporary for the purposes of this stage of Alpha.
This will also happen if you approach the edge of the Crusader system.


Arena Commander
Social Module

Hangar Module


After launching the game, users now load into the Main Menu rather then going directly to Hangar.
From the Main Menu, you have the following options available: “Universe”, “Go to Hangar” and “Electronic Access”.
“Universe” offers you the Hangar elevator UI, and the ability to travel to either Port Olisar, Crusader or Area 18, ArcCorp without loading into the hangar.
Our first iteration on a Party grouping system is here!
You can right-click on players in your contact list, invite them to party, leave party and see all members of your party through the Contact interface (default hotkey “F11” on keyboard).
This is very much a work in progress system with some known issues, and we will be continuing to work on it.
Crusader and Area 18, ArcCorp are still accessible through the elevator in the Hangar.
For Selfland, Revel & York, and Aeroview Hangars, you can find the elevator through the double-doors directly behind your character when spawning into the central bay. Once inside, the elevator to ArcCorp and Crusader is located on your right.
For VFG Industrial Hangar, you can find the double-doors underneath the platform where your character spawns, across from any ship you currently have in the central bay. Once you’ve passed through the double doors, the elevator to ArcCorp is located on your right.


The new Constellation model is now live for the Constellation Andromeda, in both the Hangar and Crusader.
The Vanguard Warden is now Hangar ready!

User Interface

The crouch hotkey now acts as both a “hold” by holding down the crouch button, or can be toggled on and off.



Fixed an issue where the Retaliator would sometimes have graphical errors when viewed from outside the ship.
Fixed an issue where characters would sink through the normal seat collision when sitting in the pilot and co-pilot seat in the Cutlass Blue and Red.
Fixed an issue where characters would sometimes blackout after climbing into the pilot’s chair for the Vanduul Glaive, Scythe and Aegis Retaliator.
Fixed an issue where the Retaliator maneuvering thrusters were not in the landing mode when in the Hangar.


Fixed an issue where the back wall of the Industrial Hangar would sometimes look damaged.
Fixed an issue where the first-person camera would shake violently if it was tilted upward while a character was looking forward.

Arena Commander Module:


EVA and zero-g animations are now available for all flight-ready ships, in both Arena Commander and Crusader.
Landing zone icons now only appear on the HUD when the character is in radar range and landing mode is enabled.
Detection range for Landing Zones is now set to 1500m.
Our new IFCS flight module has gone live! Three flight modes are available. Precision, SCM and Cruise.
You can switch between them via the “V” key on the keyboard, “A” on the gamepad and Button 6 on the joystick by default.
Precision can only be accessed from SCM, while the ship is decelerating or stopped.
Cruise can only be accessed from SCM, while the ship is accelerating or at top speed.
SCM can always be accessed from either mode. This is the closest to our original flight mode, but with some changes in handling and performance for some ships.
We now have both Afterburner and Boost available.
Cruise mode is not available in Arena Commander modes or Tutorial, as the high speeds make it very easy for ships to hit the simulation boundaries.
Interior Physics Grids have been implemented for all flyable ships, in both Crusader and Arena Commander.
The first iteration of playable EMP attacks and mechanics are now available for testing.
It is now possible for ship components and HUD to be knocked offline by an EMP attack.
“Disabled” modes have been added to all components.


The Aegis Avenger Warlock EMP Module is now available for testing.
By default it is tied to Weapon Group 2. Activating Weapon Group 2 will begin charging the weapon.
There is a 10 second charge up with significant power use and 1.5s later it will fire, with an effective EMP range of 300m.


Characters that are inside of a ship belonging to another player will die when the ship-owner logs out of the game.
This is not how the functionality will work long term, but it is to prevent players from becoming stuck in space or trapped in an abandoned ship.
Multicrew functionality is now available on the Anvil Gladiator and Cutlass. Pilots are encouraged to look for gunners on Crusader to take it for a spin.
The new Avenger Titan, Stalker and Warlock variants are now Hangar and Flight-ready!
These can be accessed on both Crusader and Arena Commander.
The Avenger Warlock is equipped with the first iteration of its EMP weapon.
Crew stations and screens for adjusting power and shields are now functional on Multicrew ships.


VFX work has been done on many ships, for both combat and destruction.



The following changes to ships flight-handling have been made for the SCM mode.
The P-52 Merlin stop time is now 4.6s.
Cutlass now has 4s acceleration, 5.5s vertical strafe, break time is 9.6s, top speed in SCM is 210.
Aurora has a slightly higher jerkiness to its handling, to make it feel a little more like a cargo vessel.
Both fuel capacity and recharge rate for boost has been rebalanced for all ships as part of the IFCS flight model.
Increased missile ignition time to 1.0s.
Reduced the spread of laser cannons by 50%.
With the addition of EMP mechanics, distortion damage weapons now has the ability to disable ships systems and components.


The Behring C-788 Combine Cannon is now a single-shot weapon.
The Tarantula GT-870 has had its dps reduced.
The Behring M3A Laser and M4A Laser heat cycle has been reduced.
The Mantis GT-220 heat cycle has been lengthened.


The health of the Cutlass has been rebalanced to equal roughly half of the mass of the ship.
The M50 has received a slight decrease in shields and hull health.
The M50 has received a slight increase in speed for SCM mode.
Added the ability to activate/deactivate the “blade” weapon on the Captured Vanduul Scythe via the HUD so that it functions the same as the Vanduul Glaive.
Gladiator detail levels have been updated for better performance.
Gladius detail levels have been updated for better performance.
Mustang (all variants) detail levels have been updated for better performance.
Hornet (all variants) detail levels have been updated for better performance.


Fixed a server crash that occurred in Arena Commander, Vanduul Swarm Co-op.

User Interface

Boost is now activated by holding down the “Right Shift” key on the Keyboard, the “B” key on the Gamepad, and “Button 7” on the Joystick by default.
Afterburner is now activated by tapping and then holding down the “Right Shift” key on the Keyboard, the “B” key on the Gamepad, and “Button 7” on the Joystick by default.
Scoreboard is now on “Left Ctrl+TAB”.
Countermeasure cycling default hotkey is now “X” on the Keyboard.
Headlook has been moved to “Left-Alt” by holding down the key, or double-tap to toggle.
Look Behind mode has been moved to “LeftCtrl+LeftAlt” on the Keyboard by default.
Target nearest hostile is now on the “C” key on the Keyboard, Left DPad on the GamePad, and Left-Hat on the Joystick by default.
Relative mouse mode has been moved to “LeftCtrl+X” key on the Keyboard by default.
Landing mode toggle has been moved to “Left Tumbler+Right DPad” by default on the GamePad, and “Button 10” on the Joystick by default.
“RightDPad” now cycles forward through hostiles by default on the GamePad.
“Fire weapon group 3” and “Fire weapon group 4” are no longer bound by default on the GamePad and Joystick.
Request Landing/Take Off is now bound to Button 4 on the Joystick by default, when in landing mode.
“Decouple Mode” is now bound to Button 3 on the Joystick by default.
Default control mapping images have been updated for the Joystick and Gamepad.



Allied players should no longer appear as enemies on Vanduul Swarm Coop.
When respawn penalties are active, the timer will now show up correctly.


Fixed an issue where the 11-Series Broadsword was not subject to recoil.
Fixed an issue where players could not lock a missile on someone unless they are within firing range.


Fixed an issue where the Vanduul Scythe was perpetually stuck in landing mode.
Fixed an issue where players could not reattach the Cutlass engines if they were removed on the holotable.
Fixed an issue where the Vanduul Scythe was perpetually stuck in landing mode.
Fixed an issue where the “Use” button for the Cutlass turret would not appear or be inaccessible due to conflicting prompts.
Fixed an issue where the HUD of the Hornet (all Variants) and Gladius would become detached from the player when accelerating, causing it to be left behind in space.


Fixed a clipping issue when a character would enter the rear turret of the Gladiator.
The Hornet now has left and right roll animations for the pilot.
Fixed a number of lighting issues in Chapter 1 of the Tutorial.


Fixed an issue where going into EVA on landing in Arena Commander would crash the game client to desktop.
Fixed an issue where players would get placed in a different map and rules from the ones listed in the Lobby.

User Interface

Fixed an issue where the “lag pip” for aiming weapons would sometimes disappear or drop out when the aiming ship was moving at very high speed or high distance.
Removed several irrelevant hints from the Tutorial.
Fixed an issue where joystick deadzone settings had disappeared from the control options.
Fixed an issue where joystick saturation settings had disappeared from the control options.

Social Module/Persistent Universe:


Crusader is now available for players to access!
You can access the main transit hub for Crusader (Port Olisar) from the elevator inside of your Hangar or the Main Menu -> “Universes” option.
After a short journey your character will awaken in one of the many cozy bedrooms on Port Olisar.
Terminals on Port Olisar are available courtesy of Crusader Industries, to allow pilots to request flight-ready ships for delivery at one of Port Olisars convenient landing pads.
The ships provided at the terminals will have a default loadout for the ship, and any changes made at the Hangar holotable will not be reflected.
Ships requested via the terminal are locked to the person who summoned the ship, for approximately eight minutes, after which they are considered abandoned and can be piloted by anyone. Abandoned ships will eventually despawn.
This is not how the functionality will work long term, and is temporary for the purposes of testing.
There are many locations in the surrounding Crusader space to be discovered and explored, including Covelex Shipping Hub, Cry-Astro Service Station and others.
However not all locations available for exploration are immediately shown in your Quantum Travel navigation points. Try repairing Comm Arrays or roaming the map via Quantum Travel to see what you may find!
Port Olisar is a Armistice Zone. All weapons are disabled while in the zone, and pilots will need to leave the area to settle disputes or seek adventure.
The first iteration on Quantum Travel is now available for testing in Crusader.
It has been activated for all currently flyable ships except the P-52 Merlin, which is a fighter and is not intended to be capable of independent Quantum Travel.
Quantum Travel can be enabled with the “B” key on the keyboard by default. The default keybindings are “Left Tumbler+Left DPad” on the Gamepad, and “Button 12” on the Joystick.
Once enabled, you can rotate your ship until you have a local Navigation Point highlighted. The highlighted navigation point will have a large circle around it in the HUD.
Once you have the Point of Interest highlighted, press the middle mouse button, to enter Quantum Travel to that destination. The default keybinding is “Y” on the Gamepad and “Button 4” on the Joystick.
If an object exists in the path between the ship and the selected destination, the Nav point will warn that the target is “Obstructed”.
You cannot eject or self-destruct while in Quantum Travel. This is intended.
Fuel mechanics are also in place.
When you activate Quantum Travel mode, the Nav points will indicate how much fuel it will take to reach that destination, as a % of your remaining fuel.
Quantum Travel will let you transit even if you insufficient fuel to reach the destination, however it will only take you as far as your fuel allows.
Keep that and the location of the nearest refuel point in mind when planning to Quantum Travel.
Your available Quantum Fuel is listed in the bottom-right of the center HUD for most ships.
Cry-Astro Service Station 042 provides repair, refuel and restock to ships in Crusader space.
This includes reloading missiles, ballistic ammo and fuel for Quantum drives.
Weapons, Ammo and MediPens for healing needs are also available to be found on Security Post Kareah, including the Behring P4-AR.
Pirates have been known to roam and harass honest citizens exploring Crusader space. Wise pilots should be on their guard.
Approaching the atmosphere of a planet or moon too closely will result in your ship receiving a warning, and if you continue flying toward it for too long, your ship will begin to rattle apart and be destroyed.
This is not how the functionality will work long term, and is temporary for the purposes of testing.
This will also happen if you approach the edge of the Crusader system.
MobiGlas is now active, and can be accessed via “F9” hotkey.
The only applications currently usable are the Scheduler and Journal, which allow you to read and view the status of Missions as you receive them during gameplay.
This can be accessed all around the planetary zone, in EVA, and while in a space craft.
Viewing the MobiGlas UI while on-ship dims both the ship UI and visor to allow the MobiGlas UI to be visible.
The “Back” button for MobiGlas applications is located at the bottom-center of the screen.
Our first set of missions are now available around Crusader for players to test!
The first one is to repair the Comms Arrays in orbit around Crusader, which will allow other missions to be discovered.
You can track missions via the MobiGlas Journal application, by clicking on the yellow hexagon icon next to the entry for that mission.
Missions are generated and offered at-random, and some are much rarer then others.


The Constellation and Retaliator is now flyable in Crusader.
Both ships have a longer self-destruct timer than previous ships to allow crew adequate time to escape.
All crew stations on both ships can be used, though some have limited functionality while the underlying systems they are intended to control are being iterated on.
Only the Constellation Andromeda variant is combat-ready at this point.

User Interface

Characters have a flashlight on Crusader, activated by the “O” hotkey on the keyboard.



The number of private channels a user can have or be a part of is now limited to 15.
Greycat Buggies now only spawn in the under-construction Galleria area of ArcCorp.


Crouch-walk animation for characters has received some quality of life improvements to allow it to flow better.



Fixed an issue with the Dumper’s Depot marquee loading in slower then other objects.
Fixed a collision issue that allowed players to trap other characters against the G~Loc bar counter.
Fixed a number of collision issues in and around G~Loc.
Fixed a number of art and texture conflicts around ArcCorp.
Fixed an issue where the wall-mounted fans in the back of G~Loc were not properly aligned to the wall.
Fixed an issue where a bright, flickering light was present outside of AstroArmada and casting strange shadows.
Fixed an issue where the lights in the center of AstroArmada would flicker on and off as characters ran through the center.
Particle effects have received a performance pass, particularly around thrusters and engines.
Fixed an issue where the M50 in AstroArmada, ArcCorp was missing its engines.
Fixed an issue where a player could see through their characters body when looking down.

User Interface

Fixed an issue where the “Pending Private Chat” invitation would show an “Accept” and “Accept” button, rather than “Accept” and “Decline”.


Fixed several server side crashes.
Fixed a number of issues with decals around ArcCorp.
Fixed an issue where players with SLI enabled would crash to desktop when attempting to join ArcCorp.
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Re: Star Citizen Release + Patch Notes

Post by Haargon »

Star Citizen Patch 2.1.1 -

Alpha Patch 2.1.1 wurde auf den Live-Servern veröffentlicht, und ist nun für alle Spieler verfügbar! Dieser Patch beinhaltet hauptsächlich Leistungsverbesserungen und Absturzbehebungen für Crusader und den Arena Commander, sowie ein paar Balanceänderungen für Schiffe.

Euer Launcher sollte „2.1.1-313699“ als Clientversion zeigen. Es wird dringend empfohlen, dass Spieler ihren USER-Ordner vom Public-Client nach dem Patchvorgang löschen, besonders wenn ihr beginnt, auf irgendwelche merkwürdigen Grafikfehler am Charakter oder einem Absturz beim Ladevorgang zu treffen. Der USER-Ordner kann (bei standardmäßigen Installationen) in C:\Program Files\Cloud Imperium Games\StarCitizen\Public gefunden werden.

Bitte seht unsere Liste an Known Issues der 2.1.1 durch (Übersetzung), und nutzt den vollen Vorteil unseres Issue Council-Bereichs auf der Community-Seite, um jegliche Fehler zu melden, auf die Ihr trefft, und zu den Einreichungen anderer Spieler beizutragen.

Ein paar wichtige Informationen:

Wir wissen, dass ArcCorp immer noch unter manchen Texturproblemen und LOD-Aufploppen leidet.
Es gibt einen massiven Audioverzerrungsfehler, der während langen Spielsitzungen auftritt, den wir untersuchen.
Das Zerstören des Gefechtsturmes eines Schiffes kann es manchmal auf solch eine Weise zerstören, dass es nicht von anderen Schiffen anvisiert werden kann.
Die Vanguard kann manchmal so spawnen, dass eine oder mehrere ihrer Laser in das Schiff hineinragen.


Arena Commander
Persistentes Universum

Arena Commander-Modul:


Die Überhitzungsrate der Revenant Gatling Gun wurde verbessert, sodass es länger dauert, bis sie überhitzt.


Die gesamte Manövrierfähigkeit der Vanguard Warden wurde geringfügig reduziert.
Es sollte länger dauern, um in alle Richtungen zu rotieren.
Die Übersteuerung/Das Gleiten würden geringfügig reduziert.
Die Vanduul Glaive hat nun eine Reisegeschwindigkeit von 1080.
Die Vanduul Scythe hat nun eine Reisegeschwindigkeit von 995.
Die Vanduul Glaive hat eine signifikante Erhöhung der Schiffsgesundheit erhalten.



Fehler behoben, wo feindliche Vanduul KI-Schiffe außer Kontrolle durchdrehen, wenn sie getötet wurden, und nur despawnen, während sie auf die Simulationsgrenze treffen.
Fehler behoben, wo das Beschädigen oder Zerstören einer Vanguard Warden nicht mit Punkten im Arena Commander belohnt wird.


Die Position des Radarglobus im Schiffs-HUD der Vanguard Warden wurde behoben.
Wir ändern vorübergehend die Vanguard insofern, dass sie nur ein Schild mit 6-facher momentaner Stärke benutzen kann, im seine endgültige Funktion noch mehr nachzuahmen.
Dies ist vorläufig, da die Technik für das Sechser-Schild-Set-up, das die Vanguard in ihrer finalen Version haben wird, noch nicht in der 2.1 implementiert ist.
Ein Fehler bei den Gefechtstürmen der Cutlass Black und der Retaliator wurde behoben, wo die Waffen falsch ausgerichtet und nicht richtig mit den Gefechtsturmmontagen verbunden sind.
Fehler behoben, wo Vanguard-Piloten die Augen ihrer Charaktere sichtbar in der Mitte ihres Bildschirms finden, nachdem sie in Arena Commander-Kämpfen respawnt sind.


Fehler behoben, wo die zentrale MFD-Information versetzt vom Schiffs-HUD auf dem Bildschirm der Vanguard Warden ist.

Persistentes Universum:


Fehler behoben, der bewirkt, dass alle Türen auf ArcCorp und im Million Mile High Club kaputtgehen.


Eine fehlgeleitete Devastator-12 Energy Shotgun wurde entfernt, die in einer der seltenen Wracks im Yela-Asteroidenfeld spawnt.
Diese wurde entfernt, weil es den Client abstürzen ließ. Sollte irgendein Spieler diese im Spiel auf diesem Build sehen, möge er dies bitte so schnell wie möglich im Issue Council melden. Danke!


Eine Menge an Server- und Clientabstürzen wurde behoben.
Etliche FPS-Performanceverbesserungen wurden für die Constellation Andromeda für Crusader gemacht.
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Re: Star Citizen Release + Patch Notes

Post by Haargon »

Star Citizen Patch 2.2.0 - 04.02.2016

Star Citizen Patch v2.2.0

Alpha Patch 2.2.0 has been released to Live, and is now available for players! This patch provides access to our new flyable Sabre, the hangar-ready Khartu-al, our new Hostility, Monitored Zone and Bounty systems as well as tweaks to our FPS animations, new FPS weapons, and numerous fixes across the game.

Your launcher should show “2.2.0-327398” as the client version. It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER folder for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Cloud Imperium Games\StarCitizen\Public.

Please review our current list of 2.2.0 Known Issues FAQ, and take full advantage of our Issue Council area of the Community site to report any bugs you encounter, as well as contribute to other players submissions.

Important Issues:

If you’re copying the 2.2.0 PTU/Test build into your Live folder, please be sure to delete any .cfg files from your Test build first and use the “Verify” function in the Launcher Options before accessing the game.
Ship geometry can very occasionally disappear or turn invisible.
Using the Holotable in the Revel & York hangar will cause the game client to become unresponsive.


New Features
Star Systems
Game Systems
First Person
Updates and Fixes
Star Systems
Game Systems
First Person
User Interface

New Features
Star Systems:

We have increased the number of players and player-ships per instance of Crusader from 16 to 24.
The scale of the system has adjusted, the planet Crusader and moons are at a more appropriate distance from one another.
Comm Arrays have been re-positioned accordingly.
Comm Array 8 has been removed.
The Comm Arrays have been changed drastically as part of the new Monitored Space and Bounty systems and no longer unlock Research missions.
For the time being, Research Missions are now offered to characters who visit ICC Probe 849.
ICC probe 849 is now on the QT Nav Points list.
There are three new icons on the player visor HUD while in Crusader.
An icon will appear in the top-left of your screen when you are in Monitored space.
This icon looks like a satellite sending off little signals.
To the right of Monitored Space, there is an icon to indicate when you are in an Armistice Zone.
This icon looks like a bullet with a line through it.
To the right of the Armistice Zone icon, an icon will appear if you are a wanted criminal.
This icon looks like a shooting range target, with a border that will become incrementally more orange with each Criminal level.

Game Systems:

Your efforts repairing Comm Arrays in Crusader have not gone unnoticed by Crusader Industries!
Monitored Space System

“Monitored” space are large areas of the Crusader system that are being actively monitored by Crusader Industries. These areas are centered around any active Comm Arrays in Crusader, as well as Cryo-Astro and Port Olisar.
By disabling the Comm Arrays, you can toggle monitored space off for that area. Likewise you can reactivate “Monitoring” by activating the local Comm Arrays.
Comm Arrays will be active or disabled at-random when an instance is first brought up.
Disabling a Comm Array has consequences, because no-one except a Criminal would ever want to go unnoticed by Crusader Industries.
Players who are not currently considered a “Criminal” will receive missions for any Comm Arrays that need to be reactivated.
Player character kills made in unmonitored space will go unnoticed by local authorities.

Bounty System

In an effort to improve security in the Crusader region while their local staffing is low, Crusader Industries has activated their “Bounty” system and encourages all pilots to hunt down any wanted criminals in their space.
Destroying an empty ship, colliding with a landed ship (in Monitored space), or disabling a Comm Array gives the offending character 1 level of Wanted Criminal.
However, these are not cumulative and will not take your character above 1 Criminal level.
Killing a player character or destroying an occupied ship (in Monitored space) gives 1 Cumulative level of Criminal.
Crusader Security AI will spawn and attack any Criminal (of any wanted level), that enters the area around Cry-Astro Station or Port Olisar.
There are 5 Criminal levels available. At Level 5 point, a global bounty mission is posted to all characters on the server instructing them to hunt down and kill the character.
Players who successfully complete the bounty mission for a Level 5 Criminal will find a Klaus & Werner ATT4 Energy rifle waiting for them in their bedroom on Port Olisar. Courtesy of Crusader Industries.
Each Criminal level adds 30 seconds of “jail time” to your respawn. When a Criminal is killed, they will be locked into their spawn-bedroom for the duration of their penalty time.
Players who die in Crusader with at least 1 level of Wanted Criminal, will respawn in a medium Outlaw loadout.
Those who die with Level 4 will be respawn in a different Outlaw loadout.
When a Level 5 Criminal is killed, they are removed from the server.
This functionality is for the purposes of testing of the system, as consequences within current game systems is limited.
When a Level 5 Criminal is killed, they are removed from the server.
This functionality is for the purposes of testing of the system, as consequences within current game systems is limited.
There are only two ways to reduce your Criminal level.
Waiting 10 minutes without committing a crime will naturally reduce the level by 1.
There is a console in Security Post Kareah that you can “hack”. Each hack you initiate and complete drops your wanted level by 1.
However, each hack takes 1 minutes to complete, and other criminals can interrupt your hack by initiating their own.

Hostility System

Pirates and Crusader Security now recognize potential friends and foes.
Pirates will spawn to protect disabled Comm Arrays from non-Criminals.
Crusader Security will spawn to protect active Comm Arrays from Criminals.
Both will become much more aggressive toward anyone who takes action toward them.
When a character initiates combat with another character, the aggressor is flagged as “hostile” to the defender.
Defenders do not receive a penalty or a Wanted Criminal level for killing a player that initiated combat in Monitored Space.

Party System Revamp

This encompasses a wide range of quality-of-life improvements, updates and fixes to the party system in Star Citizen.

When a party is formed and a member attempts to join an instance for the first time, the matchmaking system will automatically look for a server with the “Best Fit” for the party size.
Once a party member has entered an instance, the elevator UI (Hangar and Main Menu) will show those instances with a party member inside on top. Followed by instances that have contacts.
Matchmaking system now takes into account the number of players in a party when selecting a server.
The Matchmaking will ‘reserve’ slots on the server for the rest of your party for two minutes, to allow them time to select the instance and zone in.
The party leadership will now automatically migrate to another player, if the leader goes offline.
If a party member goes offline, then comes back online, the Party UI is properly restored in the Contacts list (F11).
Players that go offline will remain in the party for 10 minutes, before being timed out of the party.
The party will disband if all party members are offline for 5+ minutes.
Party Leaders can now kick any offline members.

Social System

“Full” instances with contacts in them will now go to the bottom of the list of instances in the elevator screen.
AR view has a new seamless overlay to prevent it from interfering with normal gameplay.
It will still provide the name of characters and items.
AR view is now “On” by default in all zones. You can disable it by pressing “F10”, but it will re-enable on zoning.

Physical EVA

Physical EVA has been re-enabled for 2.2.0, after extensive fixing and tweaks on our end.
Holding down the “Shift” key + a directional key while in EVA will now provide a boost of speed.


The Aegis Sabre is now flight-ready and owners of this ship can access it in Arena Commander and Crusader.
The Xi’an Khartu-Al is now available and owners of this fine ship can now view it in the Hangar.
We have been making a number of changes to the movement behavior of manned turrets, as we are aware that they haven’t been behaving in a fluid or intuitive manner.
This is still very much work in-progress.
SCM and Cruise speeds have been re-balanced across the board for all ships.
SCM speeds have been increased for the Retaliator, Gladius, Freelancer, Gladiator, Vanguard Warden, F7A Hornet, F7C Hornet, F7C-S Ghost, F7C-R Tracker, Mustangs (all), Vanduul Glaive, P-52 Merlin, Vanduul Scythe, M50 Interceptor and 350r.
SCM speeds have been decreased for the Aurora (All), Cutlass Black, Avenger (All), F7C-M Super Hornet, 325a, 315p and 300i.
Cruise speeds have been increased for the Aurora LN, Aurora CL, Aurora LX, 325a, 315p, 350r.
Cruise speeds have been decreased for the Constellation Andromeda, Freelancer, Gladiator, Aurora ES, Aurora MR, Cutlass Black, Avenger (All), Vanguard Warden, Hornet (All), Mustang (all), Vanduul Glaive, 300i, P-52 Merlin, Vanduul Scythe, Gladius and M50 Interceptor.


Ship Component Update.
We have begun a large update to our existing Ship component system. This is largely at a back-end level – implementing a new component class system, naming conventions and other needed functionality, as well as retrofitting all existing ships to be compatible. These changes will allow us to implement a greater range of modular internal ship components. Additionally, this allows components to interact with one another in a more direct and less “handwavium” simulation of a ships internal systems, setting the foundation for greater player interaction and future game play mechanics.

These changes should not affect the performance of ships in any significant way at this point compared to 2.1, unless noted otherwise. However it is important to emphasize that this is very much a work-in-progress.
A new component class – Coolers – has been added to the Holotable.
Coolers are used to dissipate the active heat built up from other components.
At this point, they primarily act to help cool weapon systems.
All ships have been retrofitted with generic coolers to provide the same level of “cooldown” time they experienced before.
Two new coolers have been implemented.
The Wen/Cassel Endo and J-Span Cryo-Star, both size 1 class.
These can be mounted on all variants of the following ships: Avenge, Aurora, Mustang, 300 Series, Hornet, Gladiator, Gladius, M50, P-52 Merlin.
The J-Span Cryo-Star cooler will be awarded to all backers who pledged before the $56 million goal.
Decreased heat per shot of the Mantis GT-220, and increased heat pool.
Shield recharge rates on ships have been adjusted to help balance ships following the component revamp.

First Person:

We have made extensive improvements to first-person animations, specifically for FPS. These include:
Added better transitional animations from “Look” to “Aim” poses.
Added improved animations for when a weapon is in a “lowered” state, both while standing and while in crouch.
Fixed an issue where characters would be unable to aim-down-sight during certain “transitional” animations.
Added FPS “cover” animations, for exiting and entering aim-down-sights from cover while holding a weapon.
Fixed some animation issues, where the reload animations would not play if the character was when reloading from aim-down-sights.
Adjusted the “sway” of characters while running with a stocked rifle (P4-AR).
Fixed an issue where players could “look down” while their character is prone, holding a weapon, with something solid in the way.
This fixes a problem where characters could balance in the air on the front muzzle of their gun.
Polished transitional animations when a character goes from prone movement, back into Idle.
Animations have been added to support weapons being fired while prone, and while moving-in-prone.
Added transitional animations for moving from low cover to high cover with a stocked weapon.
Removed much of the helmet and HUD bob that occurred in first-person camera mode.
Fixed an issue where lying prone in a tight or enclosed area caused characters to bounce back and forth off the collision.
Fixed an issue where the P4-AR was not being held correctly when the character was in zero-G.
Tweaked the look-pose of characters when in first person view, such that users can now see the feet of their character (rather than their chest) when looking down.
The Gemini LH-86 Combustion Pistol is now available on Crusader for players who have purchased this gun.
You can find it inside of your “spawn” bedroom when you first load into Crusader.
The Klaus & Werner ATT4 energy rifle is now available on Crusader!
It is awarded to players who complete certain scenarios of the Covalex Private Investigator mission, or on killing a Level 5 Wanted Criminal.
Players on Crusader will now have a radar HUD on their visor while on foot.
This radar will display the location of any nearby player characters that are also on foot.
(They’re coming out of the walls!)


We have implemented a new Crash Handler to our game client with 2.2. Now when the game client crashes, a pop-window will appear asking you if you would like to report the crash to us. The handler submission will include game logs from the client and DxDiag information on the system. This will allow us to rapidly gather data on game client crashes that are occurring in our PTU and Live environments, while also vastly simplifying the process for players to report crashes to us.

Updates and Fixes
Star Systems:
ArcCorp, Area 18

Fixed an issue where props and items in Cubby Blast, AstroArmada and Medical Unit were missing detail levels.
Fixed an issue where the Cubby Blast store front marquee had props clipping into and through it.
Fixed an issue where puddles in ArcCorp would disappear when standing over or near them.
Fixed an issue where players could trap other characters by pushing them down the side bar of G~Loc.
Fixed an issue where characters could fall out of the world by running against the railings outside of Dumper’s Depot.
Fixed an issue where AstroArmada had gaps between the ceiling and walls that could allow outside light in.
Fixed a lighting issue in and around the shelving in Cubby Blast.
Fixed an issue with a bright light flickering on and off outside of AstroArmada.
Fixed an issue where the ArcCorp pavilion would be visible from inside the Medical Unit at certain angles.
Fixed an issue where light fixtures would pop in and out of view inside Dumper’s Depot.


Fixed an issue where characters would get flung into space after touching ship debris.
Fixed an issue where characters would occasionally get propelled through space with extreme force after colliding with walls and other rigid objects.
Fixed an issue where the players HUD visor would re-initialize several times after the character has gotten out of bed.
Fixed an issue where the Salvage encounters around Yela would spawn very, very rarely.
Fixed an issue where players were not removed from Crusader after 5+ minutes of idle.

Crusader, Port Olisar

Fixed a typo on Port Olisar on the “Atmospheric Data” screen panel.
Fixed an issue where characters would become permanently stuck in the ship spawn menu if they activated the terminal and MobiGlas at the same time.
Fixed an issue where the Port Olisar airlocks would get stuck permanently cycling.
Ship computers now “warn” when you enter an Armistice zone and can no longer open fire freely, and “notify” when you leave the zone.
Fixed an issue where the second player to enter the proximity of the Comm Array would get redirected to the Asteroid Field instead of to Tessa at the research outpost.
Fixed an issue where the decals on platform “6” and “5” on Strut B were not in the right place.
Fixed an issue where ships were not landing in the correct state after being summoned to a platform at Port Olisar.
This caused characters to sometimes play the incorrect (zero-g) animations while entering the ship.
Fixed an issue where ships would land on Port Olisar too hard and take damage as a result.

Crusader, Cry-Astro

Fixed an issue where Cry-Astro refueling station would not refuel a ship, if it was the second ship a character had brought to be refueled.
Fixed several issues with the Cry-Astro landing points.
Fixed an issue where the repair drones at Cry-Astro would occasionally destroy the ship and kill the pilot instead of fixing the ship.
Fixed several issues that would cause Cry-Astro repair systems to fail when repairing ship damage.


Fixed an extraneous non-functioning scroll bar that would remain floating on the screen after using the Holotable.
Fixed an issue where shield hardpoints were not displaying on the Holotable.
Fixed an issue where the floor lamps in Selfland Hangar had a pixelated affect around them.
Fixed an issue where “Manned” turrets did not have an “attachment” point in the Holotable, so weapons could not be added or removed to the turrets.
Fixed an issue with the liquor cabinet would drop in and out of view for a player, depending on players distance from the cabinet.
The spawn position for characters inside of the VFG Industrial Hangar has been moved underneath the platform so that it parallels all other Hangars.
Fixed an issue where the Starfarer Model in the hangar had tiny “Replace Me” textures.
The Space Crab, Thorshu Grey, lives once more!

Million Mile High Club

Fixed an issue with texture conflicts appearing around the club bar.
Fixed an issue where players would encounter a continuous loading screen when leaving MMHC and going to ArcCorp.
Fixed an issue where the Vindel Cleaner fish were using a swim animation instead of a “suckerfish” fish tank animation that should keep it stuck to the fish tank glass.
Fixed an issue where the wall art behind the MMHC bar did not fully wrap around the furthest left wall corner.
Fixed an issue where the couch and stools in the back of MMHC would snap between detail levels (pop) instead of transition, depending on the player distance.
Fixed an issue where a portion of the wall above the MMHC bar would disappear at certain camera angles.

Game Systems:
Arena Commander

Fixed an issue where the NPCs Vixen and Warlord in Drone Sim, Vanduul Swarm were missing dialog.
Fixed an issue where the text on the “Invite to Match” button in the Lobby will say “actionResult” instead of “Invitation Sent”.
Fixed an issue where ships would sometimes stop responding if a second input is entered, before the first input is released.

Physical EVA

Fixed an issue where inversion controls on the mouse or gamepad was not being recognized by Physical EVA.
Fixed an issue with physical EVA, where dropping from zero-g to gravity caused your character items to lag behind in midair.
Fixed a bug with physical EVA, where characters would sometimes be propelled very rapidly through space when transitioning from zero-g to gravity.
Fixed an issue where EVA’ing into the back of a Freelancer would leave the character lying on the floor of the cargo bay.
Fixed some issues where Physical EVA would overreact to player input for both velocity-movement and rotation.
Added improved VFX for the EVA jet packs.

Quantum Travel

Fixed an issue where weapons and missiles could be fired while QT was active.
Fixed an issue where ships could initiate Quantum Travel while landed at Cry-Astro.
Fixed an issue where passengers in a non-multicrew ship were being ejected when ship went into quantum travel.
Fixed an issue where Quantum Travel targets where obstructed for no reason, for the Gladius and Hornet.

Social Module

We have fixed an issue where deleting the “filter” text in the Contacts window would sometimes close the Contacts Window.
Fixed an issue where mobiGlas couldn’t be shut down when inside a single-seat cockpit.
Fixed an issue where the default keybinding (capslock) did not initiate “RP walk” slow speed.
Fixed an issue where users were not able to add contacts while in a lobby.
Fixed an issue where the mobiGlas overlay would overlap with both the contacts and chat window, without closing either conflicting UI window.
Activating mobiGlas will now correctly close the contacts and/or chat window if they are open.
Fixed an issue where pressing backspace on the mobiGlas main menu would dismiss the screen, but the character would still have mobiGlas open on their arm.
Fixed an issue where AR mode would show a 5.56mm magazine on the hip of all players in Crusader when active.
Fixed an issue where the mobiGlas Scheduler could not be opened until another app had been opened and closed.


Fixed an issue where Gilly would wiggle, wobble, and eventually disappear out of sight during Chapter 1.


Fixed an issue where ships weapon fire could sometimes be drastically offset from weapons when ship is in flight.
Fixed several issues with camera zoom in/zoom out when exiting a turret.

Individual Ships

300 (All)
Fixed an issue where the ladders on the 300 series ships were not retracting when the doors closed for takeoff.
Fixed an issue where the Origin 315p thrusters were not visible.
Fixed an issue where the Origin 350r was missing its main thrusters in both Hangar and AC.
Fixed an issue where the countermeasure launchers on the 350r were misaligned.
Avenger Warlock
Added a EMP weapon icon to the HUD of the ship.
Constellation Andromeda
Fixed an issue where the lower right nacelle on the Constellation Andromeda would move in the wrong direction when detached.
Fixed an issue where the Constellation Andromeda would often lack interior collision and characters could clip through the rear cargo hold and hull.
Fixed an issue where the Constellation Andromeda would not self-destruct.
Audio for the Constellations missile racks has been added.
Cutlass Black
Updated the detail levels for various “damaged” states of the Cutlass Black, specifically for the nose, body and tail sections.
Fixed an issue where the pilot would be stuck in their seat if the copilot exited their seat in the Cutlass first.
Fixed an issue where the main thrusters of the Cutlass would continue to emit particle effects after having been destroyed.
Fixed an issue where the gunner hands did not correctly grip the turret controls in the Freelancer.
Graphical detail levels for damage and destruction states have been added.
Fixed an issue where the Freelancer turret could not be fired.
Fixed an issue where the Freelancer turret seat had no HUD.
Fixed an issue where the Freelancer bed could not be exited while the ship was in flight.
Fixed an issue where animations for entering the pilot and gunner seats were offset from the ship seats.
Fixed an issue where the pilot hands did not correctly grip the controls after loading into a multiplayer AC match.
Fixed an issue where the ship-lights on the Gladius would not toggle on or off.
Fixed an issue where the Gladius countermeasures would not fire in Arena Commander or Tutorial.
Updated the detail levels for the Gladius for better transitioning from high to low details with distance or graphical settings.
Fixed an issue where the pilot of a Gladius would occasionally hear “Landing Approved” or “Landing Complete” when bordering the ship.
Fixed an issue where there was no animation present for the M50 landing gear being deployed or retracted.
P-52 Merlin
Updated the detail levels for the Merlin P-52 for better transitioning from high to low details with distance or graphical settings.
Fixed an issue where the Aegis Retaliator could not self-destruct and no HUD message would appear.
Fixed an issue where there was a red “Replace Me” texture ball at the top of the Retaliator ladder, behind the cockpit.
Fixed an issue where pilot animations for the Retaliator were switched when “yawing” or rolling.
Fixed an issue where the Retaliator would sometimes be unable to take off after being repaired at a Cry-Astro station.
Fixed an issue where the automatic doors in the Retaliator wouldn’t register correctly if a character approached the doors several times in succession.
Fixed an issue where the audio for the Retaliator elevator was switched. Playing the “lowering” sound while “raising” and visa-versa.
Fixed an issue where the Retaliator turrets could very easily fire into the hull of the ship.
Fixed an issue where the Retaliator interior would retain a “damaged” appearance even after being repaired.
Fixed an issue where the AEGIS Sabre had visible gaps in the nose and main body of the ship.
Vanduul Scythe
Fixed an issue where the Vanduul Scythe had no or missing HUD when in Quantum Travel mode.
Fixed an issue where the Vanduul Scythe was missing weapon firing animations.
Vanguard Warden
The Vanguard Warden interior details and thruster VFX have received tweaks.
Interior damage state have been implemented.
Fixed an issue where the Vanguard could not self-destruct and no HUD message would appear.
Fixed an issue where the pilot hand animations for the Vanguard flight stick were reversed.
Fixed an issue where the Vanguard pilot would sometimes respawn with eyes visible in front of the camera.
Fixed an issue where the Vanguard would spawn too far back on some of the Port Olisar landing pads.
Fixed an issue where the player could clip through the stairs leading to the pilot chair.


We fixed a bug with ship weapons that was causing the actual weapon damage dealt in-game to be extremely inconsistent shot-to-shot, and causing weapons to receive unintended multipliers in certain situations.
As a result, ships in 2.2 may experience very different performance in combat. We are going to be monitoring this closely and will make adjustments as needed.
We have started a VFX pass on ship thrusters across all ship families. This is not yet complete, but you may notice small visual changes here and there.
The thrusters for many ship families have received a pass to update their level of detail.
Correct audio has been added for the Revenant Ballistic Gatling Gun.
Added audio cue for when a character picks up a weapon.
The overheat rate for Tarantula GT-870 and Tarantula GT-870 MK3 has been increased.
Lowered fired rate and range of the Tarantula GT-870 MK3.

First Person:

Added additional detail levels for Marine and Outlaw loadouts.
Fixed an issue where clients would desync and see other characters stuck in a looping animation instead of idle.
Fixed an issue where characters would draw their weapon automatically on exiting the pilot seat in Crusader.
Fixed an issue where characters could be teleported to map origin after picking up a dropped FPS weapon.


Fixed an issue where swapping from the P4-AR to the Arclight Pistol while reloading would cause the rifle magazine to clip through the pistol.
Fixed an issue where the rear of the P4-AR rifle had extreme “blur” when aiming-down-sights.
Fixed an issue where swapping from the pistol to an empty P4-AR would cause your character to reload an invisible gun.
The P4-AR will now correctly “dry-fire” when out of ammo, instead of doing a magazine check.
Fixed an issue where the targeting reticle for the P4-AR was missing when aiming from the hip.

User Interface:

Fixed an issue where an empty “Ship Selection” drop down would appear on the tutorial lobby.
Fixed an issue where pressing backspace in the chat menu would cause the Crusader helmet HUD to re-initialize and disappear.
Fixed an issue where HOTAS users would find their ships going in reverse when in landing mode despite being at 0 throttle and zero-point on the joystick.

Ship HUD

Fixed an issue where the relative velocity indicator on ship HUDs would sometimes drop down to the lower corner of the screen and get stuck, whenever the ship strafed.
Fixed an issue where the ship HUD could be interacted with accidentally, outside of interactive mode.
We made several fixes to ships with multi-function displays, to address visual issues and readability.
Fixed an issue where ship HUDs would sometimes showed certain laser-type weapons as having ammo.
Fixed an issue where the “Target Status” hologram in the ship HUD were not updating to reflect the targets current damage.


Fixed an issue where some FPS controls could not be rebound in the keybindings menu.
We have updated the default profile mapping for the Saitek X-55 to support automatic landing zones, or strafing when on a manual landing.


Fixed a client crash when entering the Hangar.
Fixed a client crash in Arena Commander.
Fixes many client crashes involved with loading into Crusader or during normal game-play.
Fixed several dedicated server crashes.
Fixed an issue where computers with certain quad-core CPUs were crashing to desktop if a multicrew ship loaded in.
Fixed a crash that would occur when connecting to “Capture the Core” with a Mustang Alpha.
Fixed a client crash that would sometimes occur when quantum traveling.
Fixed a crash that would occur when exiting the game near the AI.
Fixed an issue where the dedicated game server instances would sometimes get stuck cycling in a “accepting more players” state despite being full.


Interior physics grids on ships have received a performance optimization pass.
Character animations have received a performance optimization pass.
The Constellation Andromeda has received a performance optimization pass.
Keep flying and stay shiny!!!
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Joined: 05 Nov 2008 13:49
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SC Handle: Haargon
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Re: Star Citizen Release + Patch Notes

Post by Haargon »

Star Citizen Patch 2.3.0 - 26.03.2016

Alpha Patch 2.3.0 has been released on Live, and is now available for players! This patch provides access to our new flyable Khartu-al, the hangar-ready Starfarer (and a corresponding hangar bay it can fit in), as well as two new FPS weapons, new components, updates to FPS animations and EVA, as well as numerous fixes across the game.

Your launcher should should show “2.3.0 – 336649” as the client version. It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER folder for the Live client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Cloud Imperium Games\StarCitizen\Live.

Please review our current list of 2.3.0 Known Issues FAQ, and take full advantage of our Issue Council area of the Community site to report any bugs you encounter, as well as contribute to other players submissions.


New Features
Star Systems
First Person
Updates and Fixes
Star Systems
Game Systems
First Person
User Interface

New Features
Star Systems:

The Revel & York Hangar has a new extra-large hangar bay attached to its left outer hangar bay.
The hangar bay does not appear on the Hangar Management on the website.
Instead, if you have a Starfarer on your account and the Revel & York hangar configured as your active hangar, it will auto-load the extra-large hangar and add the Starfarer.
We have added additional Security AI around Port Olisar, that will attack any players that have a wanted level.
Yela salvage sites in Crusader are now lit by green flares.


The Starfarer Base is now Hangar-ready!
This ship can be viewed only in the Revel & York Hangar, via its new extra-large hangar bay.
If you have a Starfarer on your account, you will only need to activate the Revel & York hangar on the website and then load into it in-game.
The Khartu-al is now flight-ready!

Component Update

We have continued our large update to our existing Ship component system. This is largely at a back-end level – implementing a new component class system, naming conventions and other needed functionality, as well as retrofitting all existing ships to be compatible. These changes will allow us to implement a greater range of modular internal ship components. Additionally, this allows components to interact with one another in a more direct and less “handwavium” simulation of a ships internal systems, setting the foundation for greater player interaction and future game play mechanics.

We have a new component class – Power Plants – have been added to the Holotable.
Power Plants (as you expect) power the systems of the ship.
All ships have been retrofitted with generic power plants to provide the same level of “power” they possessed before.
We have added 2 Power Plants, the AEGIS Regulus and Amon & Reese OverDrive
These can be mounted on all variants of the following ships: Avenge, Aurora, Mustang, 300 Series, Hornet, Gladiator, Gladius, M50, P-52 Merlin

First Person:

We have added the Arrowhead Sniper Rifle to Crusader.
The reward for killing a Level 5 Wanted Criminal is now the Arrowhead sniper rifle.
We have added the Devastator-12 Shotgun to Crusader.
The Covalex PI mission now rewards the Devastator-12 Shotgun.
Both new weapons can be found as random salvage finds in the Yela Asteroid field.
The Klaus & Werner ATT4 energy rifle (previously awarded for killing a Level 5 Wanted Criminal) is now available on Kareah.


We have made a number of changes and improvements to character animations!*
These include improvements to starts, stops and steps transitions.

Adjusted animations for sprinting while holding a stocked gun.
Adjusted the animations for leaning out of cover, as characters were sticking out much too far.
Adjusted the sprint animation for both unarmed and carrying a pistol.
Adjusted the aim-down-sights animations while in EVA, so it is no longer slower than when aiming-down-sights on foot.
Fixed issue where the audio of players footsteps and other movement sound FX is very very quiet to other clients.
Fixed an issue where looking up while running forward would cause the character neck to contort unnaturally.
Fixed an issue where weapons could be “lowered” while prone, causing odd animation errors.
Enter, exit and fall animations for recovering from EVA tumbles have been added.

Updates and Fixes
Star Systems:

A lighting update around Area 18 has begun!
Fixed an issue where some of the weapons in Cubby Blast were missing textures.
Fixed an issue where a creepy shadow lurked around the incinerator in ArcCorp.
Fixed an issue where the small monitors in Jobwell, Area 18 were missing detail levels.
Fixed an issue where the damaged Hornets wing in Dumpers Depot was missing a prop item.
Fixed some texture conflicts in around Dumpers Depot.
Fixed an issue where some of the ashtray and canister props throughout ArcCorp were missing detail levels.
Fixed an issue where some of the table and chairs in G~Loc were out of position.


Fixed an issue where the player could become physically desynced, causing one user to be stuck on the floor of the other users screen.
Fixed an issue where the Pirates for several of the research missions would destroy the objective before the player could reach it.
Fixed an issue where some of the Pirates from the third research mission would not attack the player until fired upon.
Fixed an issue where the landing pad lights in Kareah contained some glitches.
Fixed an issue where the Covalex shipping hub textures and objects would stream in slowly.
Fixed an issue where the audio trigger for entering a “monitored zone” was playing when a character spawned at Port Olisar.
Fixed an issue where the ceiling in EZ Hab, Port Olisar, could be clipped through.
Fixed an issue where self destructing a ship on a Cry-Astrp repair pad would leave the repair pad unusable.


Finished the relight pass of the VFG Industrial and Aeroview Hangar.
Fixed a small collision issue with the VFG Industrial crates.
Fixed an issue with the “Parking Zone” decals in the Aeroview hangar disappearing at certain angles.

Million Mile High Club

Fixed an issue where the MMHC Wall Decal was inside of the nearby fishtank.

Game Systems:
Arena Commander

Fixed an issue where the tutorial hangar doors made no noise when they opened or closed.
Fixed an issue in the Tutorial, where Gilly’s dialog subtitles would cut off or display debug text.
Fixed an issue where the Drone Sim, Vanduul Swarm timer will continue ticking even if paused.
Fixed an issue where large props like the terraformer in Arena Commander would become detached or divide into pieces after having been bumped.


Fixed an issue where positional movement of the character model can become highly erratic or uncontrollable when transitioning from Gravity to Zero-G.
Fixed an issue where the user camera would become delayed or lagged when boosting in EVA.
Fixed an issue where characters could sometimes lose collision after trying to EVA into a ship with interior physics grid.
Fixed an issue EVA thruster audio was not affected by the audio sliders in the options menu.
Fixed some issues where EVAing on to Port Olisar would cause weird character behavior.
Fixed an issue where entering a ship via a use prompt (Aurora, 300, Mustang) would cause EVA to behave very erratically.
Fixed an issue where entering the back of a ship via EVA will sometimes leave the character sprawled on the floor.
Fixed an issue where clients could get into a desynced state after EVAing.


Added a audio cue for selecting different IFCS modes.
Fixed an issue where Comstab and Cruise mode could not be enabled at the same time.

Quantum Travel

Fixed an issue where the pilot of a ship could eject from their ship while in Quantum Travel.
Fixed an issue where the Quantum Travel markers will flicker, if the distance will use 20% or more fuel.

Social Systems

Fixed an issue where left-clicking while the mobiGlas was enabled would break the character and draw out the user camera.
Fixed a bug that caused AR mode to show the name labels of dead characters.
Fixed an issue where multiple player handles would appear on Crusader instances, instead of the UI listing “Multiple Contacts”.
Added audio cues to the chat interface, including for chat messages sent and received.
Fixed an issue where users could not access Contracts or Party system on the main game menu.


Made some additional changes and improvements to Turret deadzone and speed movement.
Fixed an issue where pilots of a Gladius and Hornet who are killed while entering the cockpit would result in them respawning inside the cockpit.
Fixed an issue where depth of field and field of view effects would persist if the user ejected from their ship while zoomed in.
Fixed an issue where missiles were acting erratically in their pathing after having been fired.
Fixed several bugs with missile speed performance, and re-adjusted their speeds accordingly.
Doubled the radar scanning distance for all ships in conjunction with the missile rebalance.
Halved countermeasure amounts as part of missile balance amount.

Individual Ships:

300 (All)
Fixed an issue where the 300 series of ships were missing parts of the ship where the wings met the body.
Fixed an issue where players were unable to reenter the 300 series via EVA.
Fixed an issue where the engine housing of the 315p was missing geometry, allowing players to see through the ship.
Fixed an issue where the exit audio on the 350r wasn’t relative to the actual position of the listener.
Fixed an issue with the 350r where it was missing panels between the back landing legs.
Aurora (All)
Fixed an issue where the Aurora had a seem running down the middle of the bed.
Fixed an issue where the pilot legs would clip through the seat of the Aurora.
Fixed an issue where the Aurora had mirrored textures inside of the cockpit.
Constellation (All)
Fixed an issue where the arm chair controls panels in the Constellations had odd white texture panels instead of screens.
Constellation Andromeda
Fixed an issue where the ejection covers on the Constellation Andromeda were missing detail levels.
Moved the radar sphere on the Constellation Andromeda to be less obtrusive in the overall ship HUD.
Constellation Phoenix
Fixed a texture issue with the dorsal turret windshield tint on the Constellation Phoenix.
Constellation Taurus
Fixed an issue where the Constellation Taurus had some very dark objects around the turret and and bridge area.
Fixed an issue where the floor underneath the turret seats of the Constellation Taurus had visible seams.
Fixed an issue with texture conflicts around the cockpit of the Constellation Taurus.
Fixed an issue where the Constellation Taurus had some very dark objects around the turret and and bridge area.
Cutlass Black
Fixed an issue where the Cutlass Black mechanical-engine audio was extremely loud and at close proximity to the player.
Fixed an issue where exiting the pilot chair of a Cutlass Black would cause the characters head to twist around.
Fixed an issue where the Cutlass Black had texture conflicts on and around its hazard markings.
Cutlass Red
Fixed an issue where the Cutlass Red was a missing button on the wing of the ship.
Fixed an issue where the missiles of the Freelancer were missing detail levels.
Fixed an issue where the Freelancer could not be selected on the ship Holotable.
Fixed an issue with the Gladiator wing deploy/retract animation.
Fixed some missing textures on the maneuvering thrusters for the Gladius.
Fixed an issue where the Gladius was missing portions of its flight HUD.
Hornet (all)
Fixed an issue where pilots who left the cockpit of their Hornet while in Zero-G could find their ship zipping off into space.
M50 Interceptor
Fixed an issue where the M50 interceptor had a backfire-like noise when using the boost.
Fixed an issue where the M50 Interceptor landing gear and cockpit ladder would disappear at certain distances and angles.
Mustang (all)
Fixed an issue where there was a mirrored decal on the ring wing of the Mustang (all) causing text to display backwards.
Mustang Alpha
Fixed some texture conflicts in the Mustang Alpha cargo hold.
Mustang Beta
Fixed some overly reflective textures present on the sink, toilet and door of the Mustang Beta.
Mustang Gamma
Fixed some texture conflicts on the starboard side of the Mustang Gamma.
Fixed an issue where the engineering station of the Retaliator was not displaying power readouts.
Fixed an issue where the Sabre flight HUD and the Quantum Travel HUD were not centered.
Fixed an issue where the Sabre was missing geometry on its starboard landing bay.
Fixed an issue where the Sabre was missing some detail levels.
Vanduul (All)
Fixed an issue where the large wing guns were missing firing animations on the Vanduul Glaive and Scythe.
Vanguard Warden
Fixed an issue where characters could exit the Vanguard Warden by running into the cockpit of the ship and jumping up.

First Person:

Fixed an issue where the LH-86 pistol would float in mid-air if a character is killed while holding it.

User Interface:

The Contacts Menu UI has received a readability pass.
Added a ship HUD item to display “Time to Cruise Max speed”.
Fixed an issue where the space brake keybind would not prevent the ship from strafing.


Made several backend improvements to how bass audio is managed.
Fixed a number of client crashes.
Fixed a number of server crashes.

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Keep flying and stay shiny!!!